Steps To Create A FotoAlbum CD

To create a FotoAlbum CD, you must:
- Specify the CD Image Folder Destination to hold all the necessary files for your FotoAlbum CD. This is a temporary folder and can be deleted once your CD creation software has created an image file from this data, or you have created the CD.
- Select Options to specify which albums and pictures to include (copy).
- Press the "Create CD" button to start the file copy process. This will take some time while it copies the specified pictures.
- Once the copy step is completed, you will then need to use your software supplied with your CD-RW drive to create the actual CD.
- Using your CD creation software, select all the files and folders from the temporary folder you specified in step 1. You must then either create a CD image (in a location other than step 1), or you can proceed to create a CD from those files. This step depends largely on the software you use and how you want to use it.
- Once you have either created the CD image or the CD, you can remove the folder specified in step 1.